Monthly Archives

October 2016

Giving Purpose to Your Child’s Education


Lesson:“Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”–Nelson Mandela This has been a quote that has inspired me for years! As a younger student, school was just something that I had to do.…

Be Kind!


Lesson: This is a simple but very essential life lesson that I am trying to be intentional about teaching my children. Being kind is so under-appreciated and practiced in our world today! It’s sad, but if we let society or…

Words vs. Actions


The Lesson:“Kids don’t do what their parents’ say, they do what they see their parents do. So who was to blame here?” –Harlen Coben I recently came across this quote and the truth of it really spoke to me.…

Are Your Opinions Stealing Your Peace?


Lesson: A teacher that I follow once said, “Having an opinion about everything can be toxic to your soul, pure poison.” The word toxic really stood out to me! I pondered, “How can having an opinion be toxic?” I…

The Importance of Teaching Accountability


Lesson: We must teach our children to be accountable! If we don’t teach our children accountability they will become adults that think nothing is their fault and that they are entitled to everything. I’m sure we can all think…

Read to Learn: “How”


Lesson: One of the greatest skills you can teach your child is how to research and figure out how to do things themselves. They learn to be more resourceful. This is a lesson that my mother taught me over…

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Home & Wellness

Lesson: *About a year ago, right after I gave birth to my son, I started noticing that my skin was abnormally dry. No matter how much lotion or moisturizer I used I felt like my skin was drying out…

Faithful With Little Things


Lesson: Being faithful and responsible with what we have and how we conduct ourselves seem to be values of the past when we examine our society today. We waste more but we want more. We complain more but we…

Maximizing the Foundational Years


Lesson:One of the most influential times in anyone’s life is his or her formative years. Children are very impressionable! Birth to third grade sets the foundation for a person’s physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional wellness. As an educator,…