
Home & Wellness

Lesson: In this overly hectic world we live in, it is so very difficult to maintain balance in life. I’m almost positive that most of us would say it’s almost impossible to be balanced in every area of life. It is a struggle, but having a plan to be balanced will greatly help. Being intentional about nurturing each of the areas required to live a balanced and healthy life is the first step. Although I believe in living in the moment, I also know that there is value in trying to plan as much as you can. Yes, life will happen and you have to be flexible enough to deviate from the plan without falling apart, but at least you’ll have a plan to go back to and get re-established after “life” happens. This is something I am working on every day of every week and I still haven’t arrived but I’m making progress little by little.

Here are the 4 areas I try to stay balanced in and the things I try to do in my quest for balance:

  1. Spiritual: This is core for me! If I am out of balance spiritually then everything else is off. For me, this means nurturing and growing my personal relationship with Christ. I have learned that the best way to make this a priority is to plan my schedule around prayer time, meditating and reading my Bible. I used to try to fit that time into my schedule and then it hit me, I was doing it backwards. That should come first, and everything else fits around that. This time also helps me to stay healthy emotionally. A lot of women put everyone else’s needs and wellbeing in front of their own and at the end the day they are emotionally depleted. This special time during the day not only gives me time with my Savior but it also gives me time with myself. *If you desire to have a personal relationship with Christ but you don’t know where to begin, email or Direct Message me and I’ll walk you through the process. You can also seek out a Bible-based local church to discuss salvation. Honestly, the only way I am able to do any of the things I do is through the strength Christ gives me.
  2. Physical: This is probably the hardest area for me to be consistent with. Eating healthy foods, drinking enough water and getting exercise are the 3 things I try to do to stay physically healthy. As with the other areas in my life, I am most successful with this when I make a plan for it. Eating healthy meals for dinner is the easiest for me because I plan out my meals for the week. I have to be more intentional about planning what I am going to eat for breakfast and lunch as well. Drinking a green smoothie for breakfast or lunch is an easy meal for me to plan and throw in, that way I can get almost all my fruits and veggies in for the day as well. If I keep a big glass or jug of water in my eyesight I can stay on top of getting in at least 64 oz. of water a day, but again, the key is planning to have the water in my eye shot all day so I can remember to drink it. I need to add working out consistently into my plan. The struggle is real in that area! I keep telling myself to start with two days a week for 20-30 min. I need to go the next step and decide which days and what I’m going to do on those days now! 🙂
  3. Mental: I like to read so this one is easier for me. I keep my mind fed by reading all types of things. I keep a few books and magazines in rotation on my nightstand so that I can keep my mind fed in the areas of parenting, physical health, marriage health and some type of spiritual devotional. I also always have some type of professional development literature on hand as well. Can I read something in all of these areas in one day or even one week? No, not even close. The key for me is keeping these books and magazines out so I can see them and whenever I get a moment, I pick one up and read a little something. Even if its just a trip to the bathroom or right before bed. I just try to read something everyday.
  4. Relational: I find that this one isn’t as difficult for most women. Most women do a better job of connecting with other women relationally from time to time whereas most men can go months and months without connecting with any male friends at all. In this area, I am like most men, so I have to be intentional about planning time with friends without children at least once a month. Yep, I have to plan it ahead of time and put it on the calendar or it won’t happen.

Application: Take a personal assessment of these four areas in your life. Determine if there are some small changes that you can make to increase the level of balance in your life.











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